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Concurrently, essential but often overlooked activities are carried out by cooperatives that play a vital role for small-scale producers. Local cooperatives concentrate on training producers in optimal organic methods and invest in fundamental infrastructure enhancements such as road upgrades and the establishment of local warehouses. Regional cooperatives, like Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio (Coopafsi), offer financial support, training, and technical guidance to enhance coffee quality and well-being of coffee producers and their families. Additionally, the cooperative has established a centralised coffee nursery to bolster farm renovation initiatives. Coopafsi collaborates directly with ten local organisations and over 300 producer-members in the provinces of Jaén and San Ignacio, in the department of Cajamarca, Peru

Cajamarca is a semi-dry, semi-cold, tropical highland of Peru with very fertile soil at high Andean mountain elevations. All of these factors contribute to the potential of specialty coffee production in the area, which is growing. Smallholder producers farm on 2-3 hectares of land, many of which practise organic farming. Most farmers in the area work independently, but the recent increase in cooperatives has been effective in increasing the quality of coffees produced in the area. 


Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon,

Fully Washed,  1200 - 1500 masl


Caramel & citrus

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